St. John's is Growing!

The people of St. John’s Lutheran Church have long looked to the example of the early church by modeling the

abundant hospitality of Jesus. By extending God’s love through-out the congregation and into the Annandale area,

our focus has been to serve people of all ages and stages of life. At St. John’s we believe, as one of our guiding values, in

creating a space where people can have authentic encounters with Christ, discover their gifts, and use those gifts to serve others for God's glory. 

From weekly worship to funerals and weddings, to fellowship, vacation bible school, as well as adult and youth faith

formation, we continue to live these values as a vibrant community. St. John’s is growing! While churches nation-wide have

declined, St. John’s attendance and financial giving have already surpassed pre-pandemic numbers. Giving to the

general fund increased by 23% in 2023 and we are seeing a surge in attendance in worship on Wednesday nights.

St. John’s has a pressing need to renovate and expand our building. This project allows us to Make Room for our present and future congregation and for all who are seeking to live and share the love of Christ. By expanding our building, we can continue our ministry of God’s hospitality as a “hub” for children, families, seniors and singles, for the community and for those hungering for connection.

Building Project Update

As you are well aware by now, St. John’s received unexpected news from Vanman Architects and Builders that, due to internal company concerns, they would be furloughing their employees at the end of the day and placing a hold on all construction projects until an unspecified date. During a congregational meeting on September 29th, congregation members were informed of this news, and the Council and Building Team reaffirmed a commitment to move forward with the building project. Here are some things you should know:

  • Vanman Architects and Builders have completed the design development and architectural design portion of the contract. St. John’s will possess 100 percent of the Architectural Design documents and all necessary construction documents related to the proposed addition and remodel.
  • As of Thursday, October 10th the Building Team met with and interviewed four construction firms interested in completing our project. As the process continues, members of St. John's will be updated on the progress. We ask for your continued prayers as we work toward our goal of Making Room at St. John's.
  • Due to these circumstances, groundbreaking may be delayed until the spring, allowing the selected general contractors to make their most fiscally advantageous bids. 
  • The Finance Team has met with our lender, who assured us they are committed to financing this project.
  • Your Church Council and Building Team are committed to using various communication methods to update the congregation on the project's progress.
  • St. John’s will continue to receive commitments to the Making Room Campaign, and your generous contributions are welcome.

The Challenge

St. John’s is growing! Our spaces have become an obstacle

to meeting the needs of the present and future congrega-

tion. Our current footprint is limiting our capacity to fulfill

our vision for ministry. And yet...

Participation is growing! The increasing number of new

members, the number of people participating in Sunday

morning worship, the Wednesday night Feast, in classes

and meetings, in bible studies and committees, is on the

rise. Our current building’s capacity, however, is hindering

our ministry’s impact.

Currently, only three groups can meet at any given time

though the demand is far greater at times. Groups such as

the choir do not have a designated space, requiring them

to meet in the library, which also serves as a meeting room.

As a result, we regularly reschedule meetings that overlap.

For several years we have been forced to limit what we

offer our congregation and community. For example:

• The expanding number of children are sent to a separate, older and inadequate building for Sunday School.

• Our Wednesday ministries are overcrowded and lack

small group space. As a result, D-Way (confirmation)

youth and volunteers must sit on the floor in the sanctuary, gathering space and hallways.

• Our hospitality to the community, to children and their

families, and to those with mobility limitations has not

kept up with our guiding values.

This vision is not new, born over twenty years ago.

We have not been able to fully live out our mission simply because we don’t have sufficient room. Therefore, it is time

to invest in the future of St. John’s by renovating and expanding our facilities and Making Room.

The Opportunity

Renovating and expanding our building will allow us to continue our ministry, modeling the hospitality of Jesus and providing a "hub" for our growing community. The vision for the future includes:

  • Adding space to include everyone under one roof:

    • 7,865 sq ft of classroom space in an education wing; 

    • 200 sq ft the entrance/vestibule; 

    • 1,500 sq ft exterior drive-through canopy. 

  • Renovating space:

    • 2,942 sq ft of existing space to add meeting rooms, storage, office space and increased accessibility.

The Response

God is moving in this vision and in our lives. All are

valued contributors to this faith community. Each one

of us can respond to this moment by making our own

most-generous financial gift. Together these gifts

become the building blocks for the future of St. John’s

Lutheran Church. You are invited to prayerfully con-

sider how you will respond to God’s calling.

Hebrews 13:1-2 reminds us: Keep loving one an-

other as brothers and sisters. Do not forget to show

hospitality to strangers, for by doing so some people

have shown hospitality to angels without knowing it.

By responding to God’s call, we are:

Making Room for children,

for the hungry, for the community,

for the future.

Ways to Give

Click here to give online now!

Your commitment to the “Making Room” campaign is a decision between you and God. Click here to access our "Preparing to Respond" guide as you prayerfully consider how to respond to our Making Room campaign.

Click here to view our "Creative Giving Ideas" guide. 

Make a gift from your IRA – Click here for details

Make a gift of stocks/bonds or other assets – Click here for details

Print and return a paper pledge card, by clicking here.

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Additional Resources

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  • Type the content for this list item here. This is just example text to show you what it will look like when you enter text content into this list item. Your unique, authentic, and appropriate text will be filled into this section.

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